Maybe off-topic, but I see that the tarball is 100+Mb ... won't that raise flags upon CRAN submission? (The current CRAN tarball is <1 Mb ...)

From the CRAN policies, there's no explicit limit given but ...

Packages should be of the minimum necessary size. Reasonable compression should be used for data (not just .rda files) and PDF documentation: CRAN will if necessary pass the latter through qpdf.

As a general rule, neither data nor documentation should exceed 5MB (which covers several books). A CRAN package is not an appropriate way to distribute course notes, and authors will be asked to trim their documentation to a maximum of 5MB.

Where a large amount of data is required (even after compression), consideration should be given to a separate data-only package which can be updated only rarely (since older versions of packages are archived in perpetuity).

Similar considerations apply to other forms of “data”, e.g., .jar files.

On 11/26/20 5:52 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
Why not use the CRAN submission web page, as documented here:

Duncan Murdoch

On 26/11/2020 2:57 p.m., Gábor Csárdi wrote:
Why not submit a bug report at the devtools repository?

❯ packageDescription("devtools")$BugReports
[1] "";


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 7:50 PM Spencer Graves
<> wrote:

Hi folks,

           devtools::release() gave the following errors:

Ready to submit fda (5.1.7) to CRAN?
1: Not yet
2: Absolutely
3: Uhhhh... Maybe?

Selection: 2
Uploading package & comments
Confirming submission
Error in if (new_url$query$submit == "1") { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
   argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored
2: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
   argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

           Jim Ramsay got this after setwd to what seemed to be the appropriate
working directory and then running devtools::release(), as noted above.
As near as both of us can determine, we've followed essentially the same
protocol here as with other package submissions.

           In case you want the entire devtools::release() transcript, it
appears below running under Big Sur on a Mac.

           Spencer Graves & Jim Ramsay



Have you checked for spelling errors (with `spell_check()`)?
1: Not yet
2: Nope
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you run `R CMD check` locally?
1: Yes
2: I forget
3: No

Selection: 1
── Running additional devtools checks for fda ────────────────────────
Checking version number has three components... OK
Checking dependencies don't rely on dev versions... OK
Checking DESCRIPTION doesn't have Remotes field... OK
Were devtool's checks successful?
1: I forget
2: No
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you fixed all existing problems at ?
1: Yes
2: Not yet
3: No

Selection: 1
Have you checked on R-hub (with `check_rhub()`)?
1: Not yet
2: I forget
3: Definitely

Selection: 3
Have you checked on win-builder (with `check_win_devel()`)?
1: No
2: Nope
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you checked the 67 reverse dependencies (with the revdepcheck
1: Definitely
2: No
3: Uhhhh... Maybe?

Selection: 1
Have you updated `` file?
1: Uhhhh... Maybe?
2: No
3: Yeah

Selection: 3
Have you updated `DESCRIPTION`?
1: Yup
2: Nope
3: I forget

Selection: 1
Have you updated ``
1: Nope
2: Not yet
3: Yeah

Selection: 3
── Running Git checks for fda ────────────────────────────────────────
Current branch: master
Checking uncommitted files...
WARNING: All files should be tracked and committed before release.
Please add and commit.
Checking synchronisation with remote branch...
ERROR: Error in 'git2r_remote_fetch': unsupported URL protocol

Were Git checks successful?
1: Not yet
2: Nope
3: Yup

Selection: 3
Is your email address
1: Yup
2: I forget
3: Uhhhh... Maybe?

Selection: 1
✓  checking for file
‘/Users/jamesramsay/Documents/R/fda_work/fda/DESCRIPTION’ (437ms)
─  preparing ‘fda’: (5.8s)
✓  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...
─  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell
scripts (1.6s)
─  checking for empty or unneeded directories
─  building ‘fda_5.1.7.tar.gz’

Submitting file:
File size: 102.9 Mb
Ready to submit fda (5.1.7) to CRAN?
1: Not yet
2: Absolutely
3: Uhhhh... Maybe?

Selection: 2
Uploading package & comments
Confirming submission
Error in if (new_url$query$submit == "1") { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
  argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored
2: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
  argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

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