On 19 January 2021 at 21:51, Frantisek Bartos wrote:
| I wanted to submit a new version of my package and I encountered issues
| with boost when compiling it on R devel version for windows. (Please excuse
| my stupidity, but I'm a complete noob in regards to compilers and C++)
| A full error stack is accessible here (the Debian one worked without
| issues):

It's actually a _linker_ error, see the 'multiple definitions' hint:

 multiple definition of `std::runtime_error::runtime_error(std::runtime_error 
 first defined here

I have had similar issues when including something twice or more times that
was meant to be included only once. It could also be a setup issue. Bit hard
to tell but I don't have spare cycles to dig deeper now.


| I checked that removing all C++ code that contains anything boost related
| resolves the issue, however, I did not encounter this error before.
| An updated version of the code is accessible at GitHub
| https://github.com/FBartos/RoBMA
| Thanks,
| Frantisek
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