Hmm, I may have written too quickly. I find these lines from R CMD build --help confusing:

 --resave-data=        re-save data files as compactly as possible:
                        "no", "best", "gzip" (default)
  --resave-data         same as --resave-data=best

The first line suggests that gzip compression is the default. The second suggests that "best" is the default. And are we supposed to use quotation marks or not ... ?

In any case, --resave-data=best and --resave-data="best" both seem worth a try.

On 3/11/21 3:57 PM, Jonathan Callahan wrote:
I am building a package using R 4.0.4 on OS X 10.15.7.

In a terminal I type:

R CMD build --resave-data AirSensor

Then, I check with:

R CMD check --as-cran AirSensor_1.0.8.tar.gz

Everything is fine until I see:

* checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... WARNING

   Note: significantly better compression could be obtained

         by using R CMD build --resave-data

                             old_size new_size compress

   example_pas.rda              1.6Mb    1.1Mb       xz

   example_pas_raw.rda          114Kb     86Kb       xz

   example_pat.rda              965Kb    444Kb       xz

   example_pat_failure_A.rda    527Kb    259Kb       xz

   example_pat_failure_B.rda    411Kb    198Kb       xz

   example_sensor_scaqmd.rda    108Kb     76Kb       xz

I get the same WARNING if I submit to

I've built many packages in the past and am currently stumped as to what
might be happening.

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