In the process of trying to get a package to build successfully on r-hub's Fedora platform, I had to add a whole bunch of LaTeX .sty files to the vignette directory. One of these was collectbox.sty, which triggers the NOTE

The following files contain a license that requires
distribution of original sources:

  The licensing/copyright information in collectbox.sty is as follows:

%% The original source files were:
%% collectbox.dtx  (with options: `collectbox.sty')
%% For the copyright see the source file.
%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
%% with new filenames distinct from collectbox.sty.
%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
%% for copying and modification in the file collectbox.dtx.
%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
%% in the same archive or directory.)
%% Copyright (C) 2012 by Martin Scharrer <>
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.

So I put collectbox.dtx into the inst/misc directory in the package. Fine.

Now, what do I need to do to (1) make sure that my DESCRIPTION file is correct and (2) hopefully, suppress the NOTE so I don't have to explain it to the CRAN maintainers every time?

* Do I change the LICENCE line (which is currently AGPL-3)? According to it would seem I would have to switch to "file LICENCE" (adding a "Licence_is_FOSS: yes"), where "LICENCE" contains something like

package code licensed under AGPL-3; file vignettes/collectbox.sty is under the LaTeX Project Public License (source provided in misc/collectbox.dtx)

? Should it say "file LICENCE" or "AGPL-3 + file LICENCE" ?

* Do I just include the files without comment, since I have complied (as far as I can tell) with the terms of the LPPL?

* Is there a way to signal to R CMD check that I *have* complied with the terms?

   Ben Bolker

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