Thanks so much for the clarification!!

On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 8:09 AM Martin Maechler <>

> >>>>> Arkajyoti Saha
> >>>>>     on Sat, 30 Apr 2022 07:54:22 -0700 writes:
>     > I recently updated a package in CRAN. Though it passed the
>     > r-devel-linux-x86_64
>     > <
> >
>     > flavors, I saw an error with r-devel-windows-x86_64
>     > <
> >.
>     > The error says "Error : package 'RANN' required by 'BRISC'
>     > could not be found" The detailed report can be found at
>     >
>     > I was wondering if there is anything to be done on my
>     > behalf to circumvent this problem, Please let me know if I
>     > can provide you with any additional information,
>     > thanks, Arka
> Fortunately, this has been a transitional bug in R-devel, and is
> unrelated to the Windows / non-Windows differences:
> It's been caused by fixing R bugzilla PR#18331  w/ NEWS entry
>     * library() now passes its lib.loc argument when requiring Depends
>       packages; reported (with fix) in PR#18331 by Mikael Jagan.
> and the orginal change (svn rev 82284) inadvertantly "killed"
> correct working of install.packages()  in some not too
> unfrequent cases.
> I've looked for you at
> and see that indeed the BRISC installation had happened with
> R-devel svn r88285 which contains this bug.
> This newly introduced bug (yesterday) has now been fixed, 28h
> later (with svn r88287).
> It's been my fault  (and fix).
> Martin

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