(a) How is the sort order of vignettes in the vignette index determined?
Can I change it?

I have several types of vignettes - an old style .RNW file, a pdf file
externally created for which I've created an .pdf.asis; a regular Rmarkdown
(*.Rmd) file; and an Rmarkdown file that takes too long to compile
(bootstrapping involved) for which I've created a static html file and the
*.html.asis file.

I've named the vignettes as a-.., b-.. c-..., d-... to try and establish a
"sensible" (alphabetical) sort order, but the vignette index has some odd

So.. what determines the sort order of entries in the vignette index. Can I
control this?

I've tried changing the order in the Meta/vignette.rds file manually, but
when you build a source package, that gets overwritten.

Have a look at the package index to the
package (currently missing one of the vignettes but that is another issue).

(b) Related to the static *.html.asis vignette - i would like to also
include the purl()'d R code from the Rmd file. I can generate the purl()'d
R script, place it in the doc/ directory, but the vignette index builder
ignores this.

Is there a way to modify the vignette index to point to R code that wasn't
generated automatically?


Carl Schwarz

        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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