On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 20:07:28 -0400
Andrew Simmons <akwsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This issue isn't related to RStudio.
> The issue is that you're exporting an object without providing any
> documentation for it. It sounds like you don't want to export it, so
> you need to go to your NAMESPACE file and remove the part was
> export(r2). If you do want to export it, then you need to document
> it, there's no way around that. The documentation doesn't need to be
> very detailed.
> On Mon., Sep. 26, 2022, 20:01 , <teimo...@aut.ac.ir> wrote:
> > ​Hi there,
> > I am writing to aks your help for an issuue arising when I am
> > writing my R package using R studio 1.2.1335 as follows.
> > ``checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
> > Undocumented code objects:
> >   'r2'
> > All user-level objects in a package should have documentation
> > entries." The function r2.r is among  .r   files within R folder of
> > my package. I am not interested to present "r2" in the R topics
> > documented: as a part of first page of built pdf help file of my
> > package. I appreciate highly if you could help me to solve this
> > issue.

My understanding is that functions, that are not meant to be called
directly by users, should be documented in a file named
<pkgnm>-internal.Rd.  It should have a structure something like:

> \name{pkgnm-internal}
> \alias{pkgnm-internal}
> \alias{foo}
> \alias{bar}
> \alias{clyde}
> \title{Internal pkgnm functions}
> \description{
>   Internal pkgnm functions.
> }
> \usage{
> foo(x,y,z)
> bar(melvin,irving,...)
> clyde(arrgh)
> }
> \details{
>   These functions are not intended to be called directly by the
>   user.  
> }
> \author{Hoo Hee
>   \email{hoo....@somewhere.otr}
> }
> \keyword{internal}

Then if someone types, e.g., "help(clyde)" they get the processed
form of the forgoing *.Rd file displayed, and are thereby told that
they probably should not mess with clyde().


Rolf Turner

P.S. I always export everything.

R. T.

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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