On 11/04/2023 3:37 a.m., Rossum, Bart-Jan van wrote:

When submitting a new version of my LMMsolver package to CRAN, it fails on the 
automated tests, see:


I managed to track this down to a change in the output of the family function 
in the stats package:

More specifically, it is about a new output in the call to family():

(optional since R version 4.3.0) numeric: value of the dispersion parameter, if 
fixed, or NA_real_ if free.

Even though the documentation seems to suggest this output is optional, I don't 
see a way to suppress it. In all my calls to family I get an extra output 
dispersion with value NA.
I need to store the family information in my own outputs for further 
processing. Also my output are quite complex by themselves so I tend to check 
my full output objects with outputs previously stored.
Exactly this is giving me problems now. In R 4.3 all of my outputs will have an 
extra item as well, causing the tests to fail.

I am not sure how to solve this. I could suppress the affected tests when an 
installation of stats with version >= 4.3 is detected, but that doesn't feel 
Do you have any other suggestions on how to solve this.

One way to solve it would be to set the dispersion parameter to NULL before doing your comparison. That should work across R versions. For example,

   f <- gaussian()
   f$dispersion <- NULL
   expect_equal_to_reference(f, "family")

Another possibility would be to save two reference values, e.g.

   f <- gaussian()
expect_equal_to_reference(f, if (getRversion() < 4.3.0) "oldfamily" else "newfamily")

You should do some sort of manual comparison when those two reference values are first created to make sure there are no other changes.

Duncan Murdoch

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