In updating my nlsr package, I ran R CMD check --as-cran and got an error
that /usr/lib/R/doc/html/katex/katex.js was not found.

I installed the (large!) r-cran-katex. No joy.

katex.js was in /usr/share/R/doc/html/katex/  so I created a symlink. Then
I got katex-config.js not found (but in 1 directory up).

sudo ln -s /usr/share/R/doc/html/katex-config.js katex-config.js

Then I get the check to run OK. So I'm now up and running, but others might not
be so persistent.

Is there a glitch in my system? Or is this a bug in the latest R CMD check 
(Or at least a configuration issue?)


John Nash

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