I fed your vignette to R CMD Sweave, and here's the relevant fragment
from the resulting *.tex file:

> This returned a {\tt "findFn"} object identifying 405 help pages.
> When this was run while preparing this manuscript, the sixth row was
> {\tt pspline_checker} in the \pkg{JOPS} package, which has a {\tt
> Score} of 47. (On another day, the results could be different,
> because CRAN changes over time.)  This was the sixth row in this
> table, because it is in the \pkg{JOPS} package, which had a total of
> 54 help pages matching the search term, but this was the only one
> whose name matched the {\tt pattern} passed to {\tt grepFn}.

This corresponds to the following part of the vignette:

> This returned a {\tt "findFn"} object identifying \Sexpr{nrow(g)}
> help pages.
> When this was
> run while preparing this manuscript, the sixth row was
> {\tt \Sexpr{gFunc6}} in the
> \pkg{\Sexpr{gPac6}} package, which has a {\tt Score} of
> \Sexpr{gScore6}.

So, you need to escape the underscores in gFunc6. Probably not gPac6
because underscores are not allowed in package names.

Best regards,

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