This is harmless and should be accepted by CRAN (if masking existing
functions were illegal half of the tidyverse would be banned ...). It's
there because it needs to be defined in order to enable the ??? alias
for findFn(). sos:::"?" (and experimentation) show that use of a single
? is passed through to the original 'utils' version.
On 2023-05-23 4:59 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:
Hello, All:
CRAN checks for sos on 8 of the 13 platforms complain about the
The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
This is code that Duncan Murdoch contributed to this package
around 2009. I have no idea how to fix this. It's only a NOTE, so
CRAN would probably accept it. However, I felt a need to ask about
this before I submitted the package to CRAN without asking this group
for suggestions.
What do you think?
Spencer Graves
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