
I'm glad to see CRAN now has its official policy about Rust [1]!
It seems it probably needs some feedback from those who are familiar with
the Rust workflow. I'm not an expert, but let me leave some quick feedback.
This email is sent to the R-package-devel mailing list as well as to cran@~
so that we can publicly discuss.

It seems most of the concern is about how to make the build deterministic.
In this regard, the policy should encourage including "Cargo.lock" file
[2]. Cargo.lock is created on the first compile, and the resolved versions
of dependencies are recorded. As long as this file exists, the dependency
versions are locked to the ones in this file, except when the package
author explicitly updates the versions.

Cargo.lock also records the SHA256 checksums of the crates if they are from
crates.io, Rust's official crate registry. If the checksums don't match,
the build will fail with the following message:

    error: checksum for `foo v0.1.2` changed between lock files

    this could be indicative of a few possible errors:

        * the lock file is corrupt
        * a replacement source in use (e.g., a mirror) returned a different
        * the source itself may be corrupt in one way or another

    unable to verify that `foo v0.1.2` is the same as when the lockfile was

For dependencies from Git repositories, Cargo.lock records the commit
hashes. So, the version of the source code (not the version of the crate)
is uniquely determined. That said, unlike cargo.io, it's possible that the
commit or the Git repository itself has disappeared at the time of
building, which makes the build fail. So, it might be reasonable the CRAN
policy prohibits the use of Git dependency unless the source code is
bundled. I have no strong opinion here.

Accordingly, I believe this sentence

> In practice maintainers have found it nigh-impossible to meet these
conditions whilst downloading as they have too little control.

is not quite true. More specifically, these things

> The standard way to download a Rust ‘crate’ is by its version number, and
these have been changed without changing their number.
> Downloading a ‘crate’ normally entails downloading its dependencies, and
that is done without fixing their version numbers

won't happen if the R package does include Cargo.lock because

- if the crate is from crates.io, "the version can never be overwritten,
and the code cannot be deleted" there [3]
- if the crate is from a Git repository, the commit hash is unique in its
nature. The version of the crate might be the same between commits, but a
git dependency is specified by the commit hash, not the version of the

I'm keen to know what problems the CRAN maintainers have experienced that
Cargo.lock cannot solve. I hope we can help somehow to improve the policy.


[1]: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html
[2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html
[3]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/publishing.html

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