On 23/08/2023 2:54 p.m., Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

When I invoke valgrind via
    R -d valgrind -e '...'
the options in the file ~/.valgrindrc are being picked up. Good.

When I invok valgrind via
    R CMD check --use-valgrind ...
the options in the file ~/.valgrindrc are NOT being picked up. Bad.

And valgrind complains.  How can I add the needed options?  Adding
does not work.  Is there another trick?

I don't know the answer to your question, but here's something to try. There's a way to run an "R CMD check" equivalent from a regular session, so presumably it could be done from "R -d valgrind -e":

    tools:::.check_packages(c("pkg", "--option1", "--option2"))

A likely problem is that many of the check tests are run in separate processes; I don't know if the valgrind setting would be inherited or not.

Duncan Murdoch

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