On Wed, 1 Nov 2023, David Hugh-Jones wrote:

Aside from the package question, surely the other issue here is that Prof
Ripley’s email is extraordinarily rude. Any paid employee would be sacked
for that. I appreciate R and CRAN are volunteer-run organisations, but I
don’t think that should be an excuse for this level of, frankly, toxicity.
Why is he allowed to get away with it?

So one thing to keep in mind that doing volunteer public facing work tends to expose people to all kinds of unreasonable requests.

Those who endure often become more direct, and that's fine. Or, and people in commercial companies can be very direct too.

One thing that helps is to be extra-polite to a person who is doing a lot of volunteer work, and who is likely way oversubscribed.

Focusing on practical matters, if you take a step back things look pretty good:

Your package has dependency on a package that you have not written and
that is maintained outside CRAN. It was bound to break sooner or later.

However, the last time you updated bioOED was in 2019 and there was no need to do anything for more than 3 years. That's amazing ! And probably made possible by being a little bit too direct on occasion.


Vladimir Dergachev


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