A code chunk does always begin with a triple backtick at the beginning of a 
line. The term for what you encountered is "inline code" used to embed computed 
results into the markdown text as though you had typed them directly.

Check out 
 for relevant discussion.

On November 3, 2023 7:54:22 AM PDT, J C Nash <profjcn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I've spent a couple of hours with an Rmarkdown document where I
>was describing some spherical coordinates made up of a radius r and
>some angles. I wanted to fix the radius at 1.
>In my Rmarkdown text I wrote
>   Thus we have `r = 1` ...
>This caused failure to render with "unexpected =". I was using Rstudio
>at first and didn't see the error msg.
>If I use "radius R" and `R = 1`, things are fine, or `r=1` with no space,
>but the particular "(quote) r (space)" seems to trigger code block processing.
>Perhaps this note can save others some wasted time.
>I had thought (obviously incorrectly) that one needed ```{r something}
>to start the code chunk.
>R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

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