Dear Liam,
I don't understand your question: if your package has plotrix listed as a
dependency, it won't affect plotrix.
Only the opposite would be true. Could you please clarify and indicate
which package you are referring to?

On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 09:57, Liam J. Revell <> wrote:

> Dear colleagues.
> I'm trying to update a package on CRAN containing a dependency
> (specifically, on the popular graphing package 'plotrix') that has been
> orphaned because the maintainer is deceased.
> 'plotrix' is imported by well over 100 other CRAN packages, so I hope it
> is not removed from CRAN. On the other hand, I don't want to certify
> that 'I have fixed all problems shown on the package check page' if this
> is not, in fact, the case.
> Can anyone comment on how one might proceed in this situation?
> Thank you. -- Liam
> --
> Liam J. Revell
> Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
> Web:
> Book: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R (Princeton University Press,
> 2022)
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