On 11/13/23 19:18, Ivan Krylov wrote:
On Mon, 13 Nov 2023 16:39:45 +0100 (CET)
Romain Pierlot <romain.pier...@u-bordeaux.fr> wrote:

Here is the error message, and the adequate code part is joint in the
mail :

'omp.reduction' op must be used within an operation supporting
reduction clause interface error: verification of lowering to FIR
Have you tried explaining this in the package submission comment? What
was the response? Does the reviewer need more evidence? Linking to the
LLVM issue on GitHub and/or the previous R-package-devel thread may

(LLVM giveth and LLVM taketh away. While I'm sure that their
diagnostics helped improve many packages, I have encountered a few
places in the R code where clang suggested to replace boolean
expressions && and || with bitwise operations & and |. The code still
works, but now relies on boolean constants having certain exact bits
set. Replace a 1 with a 2 and things will break.)

It might be the case that CRAN cannot afford to make an exception for
this compiler bug. I can imagine a number of workarounds:

1. In your ./configure script, check for the Fortran compiler being
flang-new version 17. If the check succeeds, disable OpenMP altogether.

2. Rewrite your Fortran code so that a variable is never touched before
it is used in an OpenMP reduction. You may have to declare a new
variable for every OpenMP reduction loop inside a function.

If you don't succeed in convincing CRAN regarding the compiler bug,
which one of the two workarounds would you prefer?

I would definitely look for a work-around. In the end we want to give users software that works, rather than something that doesn't, but telling them, possibly with good evidence, than it is not our fault.


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