В Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:55:43 -0400
Ben Bolker <bbol...@gmail.com> пишет:

> I am working on a package and can't seem to get rid of a NOTE about
> Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION:
>    glmmTMB (10:88)
>    lme (10:82)
> on win-builder.

Do you have these words anywhere else in the package (e.g. in the Rd
files)? It turns out that R has a special environment variable that
makes it ignore custom dictionaries specifically for DESCRIPTION:

>>    ## Allow providing package defaults but make this controllable via
>>    ## to safeguard against possible mis-use for CRAN incoming checks.

I cannot see it used anywhere under the trunk/CRAN subdirectory in the
developer.r-project.org Subversion repo, but it could be set somewhere
else on Win-Builder.

Best regards,

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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