Dear all,

It is my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of R 2.8.0
for the current Debian stable release on CRAN. Source packages and
binaries for i386 and amd64 are at your disposal.

I also updated the README to include a short howto for using R 2.8.0 from
unstable on testing (lenny), which is currently frozen. This currently pulls
the current pcre from unstable, next to the current R packages.

By removing references to Rdevices.h, I was able to provide updated packages
of rkward 0.4.9a (i386 and amd64) and python-rpy (currently i386 only, amd64
will probably follow soon) as well. As usual, the latest recommended packages
are updated, as well as littler and RODBC.

Please report any problems you might encounter to this list.

Kind regards,

Johannes Ranke

Alumnus of the University of Bremen               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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