Michael Rutter a écrit :

RKward has a problem with R 2.8.0. I believe the problem has been fixed, but it hasn't been added to the code base. Therefore the packages haven't been updated yet. (I would contact the dev team and give them a little nudge if you really like RKward)
I love it! Unfortunately the project has a slow down and is not very active anymore...

The documentation packages can be updated without any issues, although they may reference commands and features not in your current version of R. kernsmooth and mgcv do not require R 2.8.0, so they should be able to be upgraded, although if you can keep those back, it might be a good idea. If you are using Synaptic, you can go to Package->Force Version, just make sure you make a note to unforce them once you upgrade to 2.8.0

Oh nice I discovered it! Nevertheless do you think it would be a good idea to make the doc package for 2.8 dependant on R 2.8? May not other user be in a trouble with a partial update?
Hope this helps,
Definitely, thank you!

Matthieu Stigler wrote:

Thank you for showing me this point! I was not aware of it and this will surely facilitate further update. Nevertheless, my wish I actually to to update (the GUI I use, Rkward, breaks with R 2.8), so my actual question was why the packages r-doc-info and others (listed above) are suggested even if R 2.8 can't be installed, and wheter making this partial update (packages but not R) will not cause problems (packages build on nuwer version, docs for 2.8 runing on 2.7...)

What do you think?


Michael Rutter a écrit :

Have you enabled backports in Ubuntu 8.04? As per the ubuntu page on CRAN:

Installation and compilation of R or some its packages may require Ubuntu packages from the "backports" repositories. In particular, this is the case for Tcl/Tk 8.5 on Gutsy and Hardy. Therefore, it is suggested to activate the backports repositories with an entry like

deb http://<my.favorite.ubuntu.mirror>/ hardy-backports main restricted universe

in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. See http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors for the list of Ubuntu mirrors.

This should solve the problem,

Matthieu Stigler wrote:

I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 but I added in my source list some local mirror so I have possibility to upgrade to R 2.8. However, it seems that there is a dependency problem, (should install some liblapack libraries). This is not the problem, I can keep R 2.7.

However, even if I'm not able to install R 2.8, the other packages:
-some packages: kernsmooth, mgcv,

are still suggested to be installed. Will that not create some conflict with package builded on R 2.8? Won't I have documentation for R 2.8 running on R 2.7?



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