Dirk Eddelbuettel writes:
 > On 29 January 2009 at 13:49, tyler wrote:
 > | I'm running Lenny with Fluxbox, interacting with R via Emacs + ESS. An
 > | ongoing aggravation with this setup is trying to get R graphics windows
 > | redrawn. 
 > | 
 > | Has anyone else experienced this? Anybody have any ideas how to fix
 > | this?
 > I think with the 'static' graphics model of R you are stuck with this
 > behaviour. I sometimes just force 'dev.set()' and another 'plot()'.
 > Switching to the JavaGD package / graphics device may help.  Speaking of
 > which, we now have rJava in Debian unstable [ and it installs fine on testing
 > ] as package 'r-cran-rjava', so using these dynamic extension may now be
 > easier.
Thanks for the explanation Dirk, and to the others for the suggested
work-arounds. I'll take a look at rJava and see how it goes.


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