If we make the beta debs of R available for Ubuntu, I think they
should be in a separate repository, as not to be pushed to people
uncomfortable with beta software.  If we went down this path, we could
also limit ourselves to the latest Ubuntu release as well as the
latest long term service release versions of Ubuntu.

I do not use bioconductor, so I have to ask how many packages are
built in the approximately one month period the R beta is available
for public release?   I visited the web site, and there is a devel
branch.  Are all of those packages built against R 2.9?

My personal opinion is that we should not follow the google definition
of beta, and reserve the tag for testing purposes.  If you want to
test the beta version, there should be a minimum amount of "expertise"
required for entry.  For Ubuntu, having to compile from source could
be that bar.  We could supply directions on how to build from the deb
source packages.  It would probably need a script that makes the
corrections needed to compile under Ubuntu.

Just my thoughts,

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Paul Leo <p....@uq.edu.au> wrote:
> Having 2.9 debs easily avialable would be very helpful! I use a lot of 
> bioconductor packages and the cutting edge gear is always built for the 
> development version of R. The development versions of R for windows is always 
> avalible as a bin that can be quickly downloaded...so why not for ubuntu!
> Cheers
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-sig-debian-boun...@r-project.org on behalf of Dirk Eddelbuettel
> Sent: Sun 05/04/2009 02:01
> To: Douglas Bates
> Cc: r-sig-debian
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] Are there Debian/Ubuntu packages of the     
> betaversions of R-2.9.0
> On 4 April 2009 at 10:44, Douglas Bates wrote:
> | I embarrassed to need to ask this but I haven't seen any announcements
> | yet of Debian or Ubuntu builds of R-2.9.0 now that it has gone to beta
> | status.  Am I just not looking in the right place?
> Probably :)
> Try
>         http://changelog.debian.net/r-base
>         http://packages.qa.debian.org/r/r-base.html
> and as with all of the releases since going back to 1.4 (!!) when you and I
> started this pattern, pre-releases are being made available with the start of
> the alpha releases.  I mostly stick to a weekly schedule, and hence have made
> March 20 and 27 releases and am building one based of yesterday's April 3
> tarball as we speak.
> Vincent and Michael actually follow these and have already tested Ubuntu
> builds based on these 2.9.0 pre-releases, but we tend not to upload those to
> CRAN.  Comments from interested parties as to whether we should upload these
> or not are welcome.  With my "using-these-Ubuntu-package-for-real-at-work" hat
> on, I'd say sticking to releases is fine for Ubuntu.  "Normally" you can just
> say 'apt-get source' pointing to Debian unstable source; but with the recent
> Debian release there are a few minor policy changes that require a minor
> patch on a current Ubuntu system. I believe Vincent has those patches in a
> public svn...
> Hth, Dirk
> |
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