On 3 June 2009 at 10:28, Sweeney, Jeff wrote:
| How do I install R 2.8 on Debian etch? Are there mirrors for older versions 
of R? Where are they?

The porting volunteers generally support the newest versions (e.g. right now
2.9.0) on the most recent releases, e.g. stable (codename 'lenny') and
testing (codename 'squeeze').

But if you want a neither-current-nor-from-distro version on an older
release, you are outside the supported matrix of disto and R version and
hence on your own.  

Now, it is not hard to locally build a package based on the packaging sources
(esp if you know a little about Unix and/or Debian). If you want to try that,
we could probably walk you trough that.

Otherwise, you can also try the lenny version of R 2.9.0 plus whichever
library updates your etch system needs.

Hth, Dirk

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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