Am Montag, den 13.07.2009, 15:21 -0500 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:

Hello Dirk,

first off all, thanks for your super fast answer. The first posting was
in German because I just copied and pasted one entry I posted on a
german Ubuntu forum. No answer yet. 

I know this page. But I just could not manage somehow. 

1. I do not which one I have to choose (jaunty/, iintrepidred etc.)
2. I do not know where to add the entry
3. I do not know if and how to activate "backports" repositories. 
4. Basically I do not know anything.

I do need an super easy instruction (step by step) on how to install 
R and how to get it running on a graphic interface. I really need to get
R running as soon as possible since I have to finish a few papers and
therefore I need to acces my workspace which I worked on under Windows.
Hopefully that is possible. I do want to reinstall to Vista.  

> So far so good.  But you do need to either start R from within 'sudo' or 
> as root.

I done that. 

> That is even weirder. Firstly, on Debian/Ubuntu you normally do not end up
> with per-user library directories, but rather a 'global for all users' in
> /usr/local/lib/R/site-library. 

Maybe I can delete R one time an reinstall form the beginning. But I do 
not how to deinstall R. 

> Simple locking issue. You may another access in another session, or you have
> root access issues.

What does that mean. 

> As not all CRAN packages are available pre-built for Ubuntu, you do
> unfortunately need to know a bit of Linux / Unix to move along, esp with
> packages like JGR.

I will work on it. But first of all I need to get it running. 

Best wishes,

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