Hi Dirk and Charles,

What a _beautiful_ project! This a giant step forward.



On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 03:44:21PM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Announcing cran2deb: 1700+ Debian packages from almost all of CRAN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Last Friday's presentation at UseR! 2009 was the first really public mention
> of 'cran2deb'. It provides Debian packages of all of CRAN. It started as
> Charles' project from last year's Google Summer of Code, was further extended
> by us over the last year.
> We currently build for the testing distribution and the i386 and amd64
> architectures. This is now publically useable and we welcome wider testing
> by Debian users. We hope to extend this to Ubuntu during the summer or fall.
> I include what I blogged earlier (which you may have seen via Planet Debian
> and/or Planet R).  This also contains the /etc/apt/sources.list entries:
>    cran2deb: Would you like 1700+ new Debian / R packages ?
>    As I mentioned in my [8]quick write-up of UseR 2009, one of my talks
>    was about cran2deb: a system to turn (essentially) all [1]CRAN packages
>    into directly apt-get-able binary packages.
>    This is essentially a '2.0' version of earlier work with Steffen
>    Moeller and David Vernazobres which we had presented in 2007. Then, the
>    approach was top-down and monolithic which started to show its limits.
>    This time, the idea was to borrow the successful bottom-up approach of
>    my [2]CRANberries feed.
>    The bulk of the work was done by Charles Blundell as part of his Google
>    Summer of Code 2008 project which I had suggested and mentored. After
>    that project had concluded, we both felt we should continue with it and
>    bring it to 'production'. The CRAN hosts provided us with a (virtual
>    Xen) machine to build on, and we are now ready to more publically
>    announce the availability of the repositories for i386 and amd64:
>       deb http://debian.cran.r-project.org/cran2deb/debian-i386 testing/
>    and
>       deb http://debian.cran.r-project.org/cran2deb/debian-amd64 testing/
>    A few more details are provided in [3]our presentation slides. We look
>    forward to hearing from folks using; the r-sig-debian list may be a
>    good venue for this.
>    References
>    1. http://cran.r-project.org/
>    2. http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/cranberries
>    3. http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/papers/useR2009cran2deb.pdf
> Please direct questions to r-sig-debian (which has subscriber-only posts) or
> debian-science. 
> Regards,  Dirk and Charles
> -- 
> Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.
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