
I wanted to install with ctv many packages and now my disk is full :-( So I trying to move my package library in an other disk and would need some advices/help.

First thing I did was to modify /etc/R/Rpfoile.site and include:

.First <- function(){
   cat("\n   Welcome to R!\n\n")
   .libPaths("/media/Partition_Commune/Mes documents/Ordi/R/Lib")

So now R will add this new library. But it comes in the first position.. is it right?

Now I want to have all the package in the previous /usr/local/lib/R/site-library

to the new one? Should I remove all and then reinstall? Or can I just move them manually to the new one?

Finally, I will now need to set arg lib=/media/Partition_Commune/Mes documents/Ordi/R/Lib when using install.packages (or maybe not if it is in first position? in libpaths?). Can I automate that in Rprofile?

Thanks a lot

Matthieu Stigler

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