There may be a hitch. I cannot find any evidence of a package called 'crf'. If all you have is the binary from your Sparc machine, that will not work under Ubuntu. You are going to need the source for that package. Maybe there is a current package that is similar to crf.


Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 22 September 2009 at 07:13, wrote:
| Dear list members,
| | I used a R package some years ago with an older version of R in | sparc-sun-solaris2 (Unix) machine. I have to redo some of those | analysis, but now my machine is ubuntu. I'm getting the following error | message when I try to install the library: | | Error: package crf was built for sparc-sun-solaris2.6 | | Is there any way to convert the library for different operating | system (Linux in this case)? Yes, it is called "install from source".
Seriously, that is what a compiler does: translate from (human-readable)
source code to (machine-readable) executables.  And no, these are generally
not portable across system.
| If so, could you please give some directions?

You need

    sudo R CMD INSTALL foo_1.2-3.tar.gz

and you probably want to install the r-base-dev package first, as well as
everything you need for building foo.


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