Since 14.04 is the Long Term Support version, which also is used by
Linux Mint, it's not really outdated, and a lot of folk, myself
included, use that stream (my machine says Linux Mint 17.1, but I think
that is simply the splash screen). I say stream, because the kernel and
other infrastructure are  being updated, though probably not to the
level Dirk prefers, and I do use other distros for some work. My own
sources.list includes

deb trusty/

and R updated fine to 3.2.4 last week with a typical automated prompt
that there were updates available.

So maybe Matt's problem is something else. This was the first time I'd
read about crouton (I run regular Linux distros). Is that getting in the
way somehow?


On 16-03-21 01:35 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 21 March 2016 at 12:10, Matthew Simpson wrote:
> | I have a chromebook with a fresh minimal install of Ubuntu 14.04 running
> | through crouton, and I'm trying to install the latest version of R. The
> | only thing I have done to the system before trying to install R is install
> | gedit. When I try to install R I get an unmet dependencies error that
> | complains that the version of r-base-core available isn't new enough.
> | 
> | I followed the instructions at
> | to install R. Here
> | is precisely what I did:
> | 
> | 1) after installing gedit, I added the following two lines to
> | /etc/apt/sources.list
> | 
> | deb trusty/
> | deb trusty-backports main restricted
> | universe
> | 
> | (Note: I've tried a couple different R mirrors and it doesn't affect
> | anything as far as I can
> | tell)
> | 
> | 2) Add Michael Rutter's key with
> | 
> | sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9
> | 
> | 3) Update sources and attempt to install R:
> | 
> | sudo apt-get update
> | sudo apt-get install r-base
> | 
> | Here is the full text of the error I get:
> | 
> | sudo apt-get install r-base
> | Reading package lists... Done
> | Building dependency tree
> | Reading state information... Done
> | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> | or been moved out of Incoming.
> | The following information may help to resolve the situation:
> | 
> | The following packages have unmet dependencies:
> |  r-base : Depends: r-base-core (>= 3.2.4-revised-1trusty0) but it is not
> | going to be installed
> |           Depends: r-recommended (= 3.2.4-revised-1trusty0) but it is not
> | going to be installed
> |           Recommends: r-base-html but it is not going to be installed
> |           Recommends: r-doc-html but it is not going to be installed
> | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
> | 
> | 
> | Using sudo apt-cache showpkg <package> reveals that apt is attempting to
> | install r-base 3.2.4, but only has access to r-base-core 3.0.2.  It does
> | have access to r-recommended, r-base-html, and r-doc-html all version 3.2.4
> | though.
> Then something is wrong with your apt entries. Check and double check.
> I run wily here (because why would I want to be on an almost two year old
> OS?) and it looks as follows:
> edd@max:~$ apt-cache policy r-base
> r-base:
>   Installed: (none)
>   Candidate: 3.2.4-revised-1wily0
>   Version table:
>      3.2.4-revised-1wily0 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.4-1wily 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.3-6wily0 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.3-4wily0 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.3-3wily0 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.3-1.wily.0 0
>         500 wily/main amd64 Packages
>      3.2.3-1wily1 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.3-1wily0 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.2-1wily 0
>         500 wily/ Packages
>      3.2.2-1 0
>         500 wily/universe amd64 Packages
> edd@max:~$ 
> I could have 3.2.2 from the distro -- which makes sense as 15.10 had a cutoff
> some time last summer -- all the other thanks to Michael rebuilding the ports
> of why I stick into Debian.
> Dirk
> | 
> | I could probably live with R 3.0.2, but sudo apt-get install r-base=3.0.2
> | yields a similar error complaining that it needs r-recommended 3.0.2, but
> | it won't be installed.
> | 
> | Any help would be appreciated.
> | 
> | Thanks,
> | Matt Simpson
> | 
> |     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> | 
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