Dear all,

I have just completed the backport of the newly released R 3.3.0 to Debian 
jessie for the CRAN repository, together with the usual update of the other 
(recommended) packages supplied there.

It will hit the CRAN mirrors shortly.

For wheezy, I do not plan to backport R 3.3.0, as this would entail 
backporting, and keeping up to date with security releases, a couple of other 
packages, triggered by the versioned dependency on curl >= 7.28.

Also, R 3.2.5 is considered a very stable release ("Very, Very Secure 
Dishes"), so I think this matches the requirements of people still running 

On another note, the backport of R 3.2.5 that Andreas Tille prepared, was just 
accepted to jessie-backports. In my mind, this is a first step towards 
complementing the CRAN backports (which feature only three architectures) and 
maybe even superseeding them in the future.

Kind regards,


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