
On 30 August 2016 at 09:23, Guido Kraemer wrote:
| Dear R-SIG-Debian Team,
| r-devel sent me to you.
| Situation:
| Ubuntu 16.04, R-3.3.1, and a file in a folder mounted with sftp via 
| gnome virtual file system.

R does not do anything related to mounting, virtual or not. So if ...

|     for(i  in  1:10){cat(i,file  = 
| "/run/user/1001/gvfs/sftp:host=server/path on server/test2",append  = TRUE)}
| gives a file that reads |10| and not |12345678910|

... that happens it would seem that sftp-based mounting drop the append
privilege.  You will need to talk to the folks behind that filesystem driver.

This is certainly not an option in what 
| Further checking:
|     * A mapped network drive on Windows 7 and R 3.2.5 works fine.
|     * A samba share on a Mac works fine.
|     * A samba share on Ubuntu 16.04 works fine.
|     * An sftp share on Ubuntu 16.04 does not work, replicated on 2 machines.
|     * Handing over a connection to file argument works fine.
|     * On the Linux server it worked fine, I am not sure how it is mounted
|       there
| see also:

To mo, that is clearly a misdiagnosis by Hadley.

| Cheers,
| Guido
| -- 
| Guido Kraemer
| Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
| Department for Biogeochemical Integration
| Hans-Knöll-Str. 10
| 07745 Jena
| Germany
| phone: +49 3641 576293
| e-mail:
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