On 28 April 2017 at 02:42, Clive Nicholas wrote:
| I rather think it would be a good idea to publicise this solution for Linux
| Mint 18.1 users *as widely as possible* so that they don't run into the

I somewhat strongly disgree.

We have two volunteers taking care of two clearly-labeled Linux distributions
via the repos at CRAN: Ubuntu, and Debian.

If you mix with another (entirely untested by us) distribution and it breaks,
you get to keep the pieces.  Advertisement for such use is nonsense at best,
and plain dangerous at worst as it may give other people the idea that such
mixing is recommended.  Let me be as plain: It. Is. Not. At least not by me.

If anything, advertise (within the Arch space) for the need for a volunteer
to complement what Michael and Johannes do so well.


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