On 27 June 2017 at 12:56, Simon Urbanek wrote:
| I have seen a report on GH but I'm traveling abroad so can't easily 
reproduce. It's really odd as the issue reportedly only appears after Debian 
kernel upgrade - especially that it's an old kernel with a Debian patch that 
breaks it. The big question is if it's related to our JNI code or in JVM itself 
or a bug in the kernel patch.

FWIW I first heard about it at work last week when a CVE suggested security
patch (for CentOS) broke a commercial Java-based scheduling app _hard_ to the
extent that their engineers threw their hands up and suggested to wait for a
fix by Oracle (yeah, right) for Java.

As I understand it, a system-level fix affecting the Java layer. Not rJava.


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