On 17 January 2018 at 09:42, Thierry Onkelinx wrote:
| Dear Krzysztof,
| I would suggest to have a look at Docker images.
| https://hub.docker.com/r/rocker/r-ver/ provides images for different
| versions of R.

Indeed!  And see eg our forthcoming / in-print R Journal paper with some
details, background, motivation, ... on both Rocker and "versioned" images:

| You could even create your own image with all the
| packages and other dependencies that you need. See e.g. our image at
| https://hub.docker.com/r/inbobmk/rstable/

Yep. Ubuntu simply cannot offer you the ability to get _any odd version_ of
your choosing at any odd time.  Debian, with its volunteers, has something
like that in the "Snapshot" repository at


but Debian also cuts releases differently.


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