Hi Roman -

Based on advice form the list, here's what I did:

sudo apt purge r-cran-* r-base-*

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/rrutter3.5
sudo apt-get update

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/c2d4u3.5
sudo apt-get update

dpkg -l | grep r-cran-*

sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

Added my account to the 'staff' group, so that I can install
non-recommended packages in R without 'sudo R'

sudo usermod -a -G staff myusername
logout and restart

Many packages are becoming available in the c2d4u3.5 repository. I've
built/rebuild mostly from CRAN.
However, to add pre-built binaries:

sudo apt-get install r-cran-packagename

Finally ... rebuild existing packages in '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
> update.packages(checkBuilt= TRUE)

One issues, to update recommended packages in '/usr/lib/R/site-library,,
must start R as sudoer, ie. 'sudo R'

Best.  --Dale

On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Aguirre Perez, Roman <ra...@exeter.ac.uk>

> Hi everyone,
> first of all, my sincerest thanks for the maintainers of this massive
> project. Such a compelling task!
> Briefly, I’m a PhD student working on Spatial Stats who loves R. Last week
> I decided to install and use Ubuntu (again). Consequently, I install the
> latest release (18.04) and tried to install R 3.5.0 as well but
> (un)fortunately I couldn’t.
> I have used R within Ubuntu and I use to follow the installation procedure
> suggested in the R-project website. However, this time was a bit different.
> I realised I was missing a key fact. There’s plenty of work behind making
> available R packages for Ubuntu! It briefly showed up in front of my eyes
> the meaning of each installation step. That’s why I’m here. So I would
> really appreciate you to enlighten me with your knowledge. I really want to
> go in depth on the relationship R-Ubuntu. Btw, any resource for learning is
> more than welcome.
> In this sense, which is the meaning of starting to install R by adding
> deb https://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/bin/linux/ubuntu bionic/<
> https://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/bin/linux/ubuntu%20bionic/>
> in the source.list file?
> I realised that I’m able to compile
> sudo apt-get install r-base
> without doing the first step. Which is the difference between each one?
> Now that I’m more aware I know that it isn’t so straightforward to mirror
> to CRAN and I have to hold my horses a bit more jeje. So should I install
> previous of both R and Ubuntu? I mean, does it take a long time to have a
> mirrored version?
> Best,
> Roman.
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