On 21 August 2018 at 09:52, Eva Myers wrote:
| On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 10:43:52AM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > 
| > On 20 August 2018 at 15:29, Eva Myers wrote:
| > | Hello,
| > | Attempting to install ess (17.11-3xenial0) on our Ubuntu 16.04 systems
| > | is failing with an error message.
| > 
| > This can happen. I (with my Debian hat on) had to make 17.11-3 because the
| > ess package did not behave with Debian untable and Emacs 26.2. It does now.
| > 
| > Changes can have side effects. Turn out that in this case 16.04 is
| > affected. Your easiest recourse would be to not use this package, but the
| > (much older) ESS from 16.04, or an older release (and then put it on 'hold'
| > to supress updates).
| > 
| > There will be a newer elpa-ess which may work for you (or not). You could 
| > these:
| > 
| >   http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/tmp/elpa-ess_17.11-4_all.deb
| >   http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/tmp/ess_17.11-4_all.deb
| > 
| > and you need both. "Works for me" on 18.04.  Not tested on 16.04. YMMV.
| Works for me on 16.04, thank you so much!

That's good to know. With that I will probably release this as 17.11-5 in
Debian, and it should find its way to the CRAN-mirrors too.


| Eva.

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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