On 23 September 2018 at 10:09, Steve Gutreuter wrote:
| For example,
| install.packages("emplik")
| is failing with: libRblas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such 
| file or directory
| As Dirk pointed out, this is likely an error in the emplik package,

I made one educated guess. Now we have more information and can update:

- this is a CRAN package so everybody can check its status:
  turns out it is picture perfect

- this is a CRAN package so everybody can look at its file on the mirror:
  it does not set a link instruction

so we conclude that the error is local to your system.  _Something_ is going
you did not tell us, so I have to guess some more:

- maybe you built another version of R and it sits in your $PATH before the
  packaged version

- maybe you set build environment versions

Ball back in your court.


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