On 28 November 2018 at 14:49, Elizabeth Tighe wrote:
| Thanks Dirk!  The prior install and updates had been running fine for so 
| long I forgot all about the documentation on Renviron, Startup, etc.!  
| Thanks.  Will changing the libPaths in Renviron.site help with the issue 
| that the operating system doesn't seem to recognize the installation re: 
| message that the "software is not installed" when I tried to remove it?  
| Also what does it mean in your note when you say: "you will need to 
| trace want on your box does"?

Sorry bad habit of typing replies when doing something else and not
proofreading before sending -- my bad.  Meant to say that you may have to
chase where you system (re-)sets and overrides in case changing the value
in Renviron.site does not propagate.  Also make sure you test on fresh
sessions so something like

   edit somefile
   Rscript -e 'print(.libPaths())'

is recommended as the file change will never alter a running session.


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