Thank you for your help, Dirk! This cleared it up!

Am So., 6. Jan. 2019 um 23:16 Uhr schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel <

> On 6 January 2019 at 23:03, Winfried Moser wrote:
> | dear dirk,
> |
> | i am following up on our thread on r-help-mailinglist. you advised me to
> | bring it over here.
> |
> | when installing packages from within R, they usually go to a directory
> | defined in R_LIBS_USER, which i have it set in .Renviron.
> That is _you_ as the user installing _locally compiled packages_. For those
> you can alter where they as _you do it locally_.  Your command, your
> control.
> | when installing packages via sudo apt install r-cran-.., they go to
> | /usr/lib/R/site-library.
> Those are _distribution-provided binaries following distribution policy_.
> All
> Debian (and Ubuntu) .deb package install below /usr.  They are _prebuilt_
> and
> cannot be altered locally.  Also, there is a long tome describing
> distribution policy.
> | is there a possibility to have packages installed to the R_LIBS-USER
> | directory by using the second possibility?
> No. Because they come already prebuilt.
> But if you don't like those, you don't install those. You can always pick
> locally installed from source package from CRAN. Your choice, your work.
> You
> are not forced to use r-cran-* binaries.
> | dirk, you pointed me to the comments in
> | i tried to set R_LIBS_USER in
> | i tried to set R_LIBS in
> | i tried to set R_LIBS in
> |
> | but sudo apt install r-cran... still installs to /usr/lib/R/site-library
> |
> | can this be changed or is it fixed?
> I fear you were under a somewhat fundamental misunderstanding and I hope
> this
> cleared it up a little.
> Dirk
> --
> | @eddelbuettel |

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