
yes, the workaround is to install from within R. The alternative would be to 
increase the coverage of this repo, as currently mainly the recommended 
packages are supported. Another alternative would be to create a new, richer 

Kind regards,


Am Montag, 21. Januar 2019, 13:45:52 CET schrieb Chris Evans:
> Now that I am at least mapping the right repository to my Debian version
> (doh!) I have another question. In the installation page at
> there is
> the line:
> "Please note that R packages from the Debian stretch distribution are not
> compatible with R 3.5.x, as it provides r-api-3.5, while the stretch
> packages depend on r-api-3."
> Certainly a number of packages won't install with Synaptic giving the
> complaint about depending on r-api-3 and not having it, exactly as that
> line says.  It seems that one package that gives this error, car, builds
> fine in R with the usual install.packages("car") (after dealing with the
> curl library dependency).
> Am I right that the workaround is to install all the affected packages
> within R?  On the very slow old laptop I'm using for this work that is
> taking ages and I'm guessing that had I been able to install the debs the
> installation would have been much faster.
> Is there a workaround or am I right that installing within R _is_ the
> workaround?
> TIA (again),
> Chris

Johannes Ranke
Wissenschaftlicher Berater

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