Hi Griera,

thanks for your report - I do not use rkward, so I did not notice that for 
some reason my backporting script failed to download the latest rkward 
version. I need to do apt-get source -t unstable instead of just apt-get 
source to get the current rkward source package from unstable.

rkward 0.7 packages for i386 and amd64 are uploaded and will be synchronized 
to CRAN within a day or so. I have quickly confirmed that they work with the R 
3.5.2 backports.



Am Dienstag, 29. Januar 2019, 09:00:24 CET schrieb gri...@yandex.com:
> Hello:
> I just upgraded my Debian Stretch to version 3.5 by following the
> instructions here:
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/stretch-cran34/
> Then I have updated as root the R from inside with:
> update.packages(.libPaths()[1], ask = F, checkBuilt=TRUE, dependencies = F,
> repos = "http://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CRAN/";)
> When finalizing the update of the R, I execute
> RKWard and I get the error: "unable to initialize the JIT"
> The crash can be reproduced every time. The problem is that version R 3.5
> needs RKWard> = 0.7.0 according to:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=403706
> Is it possible to update the RKWard
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/stretch-cran35/ to version
> 0.7.0?
> My respect and gratitude for the R Debian repositories. Thank you. Griera
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