On 6/4/19 2:09 PM, Ahnaf Rafi wrote:

I attempted to update using apt update and apt full-upgrade today, and got the 
following error message:
E: The repository 'https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu disco-cran35/ 
Release' is no longer signed.


Ahnaf and other Ubuntu users,

The server used to house the repository before it is mirrored to CRAN had a hard drive failure last week. I had to reconstruct the server and took the opportunity to update to the latest LTS version of Ubuntu. A couple of issues have been discovered, this being one of them. I have fixed this, and the error should go away after the next CRAN sync.

Good news is that none of the base packages mirrored on CRAN have been updated while my server was off line. The "no longer signed" error should disappear within 24 hours.


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