Thanks for this.

I have downloaded the r-base-core_3.6.1-3disco_amd64.deb file and
placed in /var/cache/apt/archives

Next I ran below code in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install -f /var/cache/apt/archives/r-base-core.deb

But this is failing with below message -
E: Unsupported file /var/cache/apt/archives/r-base-core.deb given on commandline

Could you please help resolve this?

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 4:45 PM Dirk Eddelbuettel <> wrote:
> On 17 October 2019 at 16:34, Christofer Bogaso wrote:
> | I have an Ubuntu server hosted in the cloud, but for security purpose,
> | direct internet connection is blocked.
> |
> | So my question is under this scenario how can I install R in that machine?
> It is an old, and solved problem. It has come up on StackOverflow a few times
> before as well.  Here is a (nearly) ten-year old answer of mine:
> You want one of those solutions -- and I am sure there are newer ones, so
> maybe try searching on as well -- as it will pull needed
> dependencies in for you as well.
> | I was wondering if I could have some .deb file available then I could
> | scp that .deb file from my local computer (this has internet) to that
> | Ubuntu server.
> |
> | But when I reached to
> |, I failed
> | to identify any deb file.
> |
> | Could you shed some light on this?
> a) Don't use a per-institution server. The edge-of-cloud CDN ones are
> generally as good or faster _irrespective of your location_ and hence better
> for others.  So is better
> b) Copying and pasting from 
>       [....]
>       r-base-core_3.6.1-3disco_amd64.deb              2019-07-26 13:54   24M
>       r-base-core_3.6.1-3disco_i386.deb               2019-07-26 14:09   24M
>       [....]
> Dirk
> --
> | @eddelbuettel |

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