
We used Chi-square statistic to inspect randomness, see the code in
To test the convergence of sequential algorithms, you can use time
series and MCMC diagnostic tools.


2010/1/7 Etienne Laliberté <>:
> Many thanks Jari for your input.
> I'll have a look at this backtracking method and see how I could
> implement it.
> Ensuring that the null matrices are indeed random is clearly good
> advice, and I'd need to do this, but do you have any suggestions on how
> to do this in practice? A copy of the script you've used to test Peter's
> null model algorithms would be very useful.
> Thanks
> Etienne
> Le jeudi 07 janvier 2010 à 22:24 +0200, Jari Oksanen a écrit :
>> On 07/01/2010 21:48, "Etienne Laliberté" <> wrote:
>> > Many thanks again Carsten.
>> Yes, you're right that care must be taken to
>> > ensure that a decent number
>> of unique random matrices must be obtained. I
>> > don't think it would be a
>> problem in my case given that transforming my
>> > continuous abundance data
>> to count by
>> mat2<- floor(mat * 100 / min(mat[mat >
>> > 0]) )
>> can quickly lead to a very large number of individuals (hundreds
>> > of
>> thousands if not > million in some cases). The issue then becomes
>> > mostly
>> one of computing speed, but that's another story.
>> Following your
>> > suggestion, I came up with a simple (read naïve) R
>> algorithm that starts with
>> > a binary matrix obtained by commsimulator
>> then fills it randomly. It seems to
>> > work relatively well, though it's
>> extremely slow.
>> In addition, because the
>> > algorithm fills the matrix one individual at a
>> time, I sometimes ran into the
>> > problem of one individual which had
>> nowhere to go because "ressources" at the
>> > site (i.e. the row sum) was
>> already full. In that case, this individual
>> > disappears, i.e. goes
>> nowhere. This is a bit drastic and clearly sub-optimal,
>> > but it's the
>> only way I could quickly think of yesterday to prevent the
>> > algorithm
>> from getting stuck. The consequence is that often, the total number
>> > of
>> individuals in the null matrix is a bit less than total number
>> > of
>> individuals in the observed matrix.
>> Etienne,
>> This is the same problem as filling up a binary matrix: you get stuck before
>> you can fill in all presences. The solution in vegan::commsimulator was
>> "backtracking" method: when you get stuck, you remove some of the items
>> (backtrack to an earlier stage of filling) and start again. This is even
>> slower than initial filling, but it may be doable. The model application of
>> backtracking goes back to Gotelli & Entsminger (Oecologia 129, 282--291;
>> 2001) who had this for binary data, but the same idea is natural for
>> quantitative null models, too. The vegan vignette discusses some details of
>> implementation which are valid also for quantitative filling.
>> I would like to repeat the serious warning that Carsten Dormann made: you
>> better be sure that your generated null models really are random. Péter
>> Sólymos developed some quantitative null models for vegan, but we found in
>> our tests that they were not random at all, but the constraints we put
>> produced peculiar kind of data with regular features although there was
>> technically no problem. Therefore we removed code worth of huge amount of
>> developing work as dangerous for use. I do think that also the r2dtable
>> approach is more regular and less variable (lower variance) than the
>> community data, and you very easily get misleadingly significant results
>> when you compare your observed community against too regular null models.
>> This is something analogous to using strict Poisson error in glm or gam when
>> the data in fact are overdispersed to Poisson. Be very careful if you want
>> to claim significant results based on quantitative null models. Would I be a
>> referee or an editor for this kind of ms, I would be very skeptical ask for
>> the proof of the validity of the null model.
>> Cheers, Jari Oksanen
>> > I don't see this as being a
>> > real
>> problem with the large matrices I'll deal with though, but
>> > definitely
>> something to be aware of.
>> If you're curious, here's the simple
>> > algorithm, as well as some code to
>> run a test below. I'd be very interested to
>> > compare it to Vazquez's
>> algorithm!
>> Thanks again
>> Etienne
>> ###
>> nullabun <-
>> > function(x){
>>    require(vegan)
>>    nsites <- nrow(x)
>>    nsp <- ncol(x)
>> > rowsum <- rowSums(x)
>>    colsum <- colSums(x)
>>    nullbin <- commsimulator(x,
>> > method = "quasiswap")
>>    rownull <- rowSums(nullbin)
>>    colnull <-
>> > colSums(nullbin)
>>    rowsum <- rowsum - rownull
>>    colsum <- colsum - colnull
>> > ind <- rep(1:nsp, colsum)
>>    ress <- rep(1:nsites, rowsum)
>>    total <-
>> > sum(rowsum)
>>    selinds <- sample(1:total)
>>       for (j in 1:total){
>> > indsel <- ind[selinds[j]]
>>          sitepot <- which(nullbin[, indsel] > 0)
>> > if (length(ress[ress %in% sitepot]) > 0 ){
>>             sitesel <-
>> > sample(ress[ress %in% sitepot], 1)
>>             ress <- ress[-which(ress ==
>> > sitesel)[1] ]
>>             nullbin[sitesel, indsel] <- nullbin[sitesel, indsel]
>> > + 1
>>            }
>>       }
>> return(nullbin)
>> }
>> ### now let's test the
>> > function
>> # create a dummy abundance matrix
>> m <-
>> > matrix(c(1,3,2,0,3,1,0,2,1,0,2,1,0,0,1,2,0,3,0,0,0,1,4,3), 4,
>> > 6,
>> byrow=TRUE)
>> # generate a null matrix
>> m.null <- nullabun(m)
>> # compare
>> > total number of individuals
>> sum(m) #30
>> sum(m.null) #29: one individual got
>> > "stuck" with no ressources...
>> # to generate more than one null matrix, say
>> > 999
>> nulls <- replicate(n = 999, nullabun(m), simplify = F)
>> # how many unique
>> > null matrices?
>> length(unique(nulls) ) # I found 983 out of 999
>> # how many
>> > individuals in m?
>> sum(m) # there are 30
>> # how bad is the problem of
>> > individuals getting stuck with no ressources
>> in null matrices?
>> sums <-
>> > as.numeric(lapply(nulls, sum, simplify = T))
>> hist(sums) # the vast majority
>> > had 29 or 30 individuals
>> Le jeudi 07 janvier 2010 à 10:34 +0100, Carsten
>> > Dormann a écrit :
>> > Hi Etienne,
>> >
>> > I'm afraid that swap.web cannot easily
>> > accommodate this constraint.
>> > Diego Vazquez has used an alternative approach
>> > for this problem, but I
>> > haven't seen code for it (it's briefly described in
>> > his Oikos 2005
>> > paper). While swap.web starts with a "too-full" matrix and
>> > then
>> > downsamples, Diego starts by allocating bottom-up. There it should be
>> >
>> > relatively easy to also constrain the row-constancy of connectance.
>> >
>> > I
>> > can't promise, but I will hopefully have this algorithm by the end
>> > of next
>> > week (I'm teaching this stuff next week and this is one of the
>> > assignments).
>> > If so, I'll get it over to you.
>> >
>> > The problem that already arises with
>> > swap.web for very sparse matrices
>> > is that there are very few unique
>> > combinations left after all these
>> > constraints. This will be even worse for
>> > your approach, and plant
>> > community data are usually VERY sparse. Once you
>> > have produced the
>> > null models, you should assure yourself that there are
>> > hundreds
>> > (better thousands) of possible randomised matrices. Adding just
>> > one
>> > more constraint to your null model (that of column AND row constancy
>> >
>> > of 0s) will uniquely define the matrix! Referees may not pick it up,
>> > but it
>> > may give you trivial results.
>> >
>> > Best wishes,
>> >
>> > Carsten
>> >
>> >
>> > Vázquez,
>> > D. P., Melián, C. J., Williams, N. M., Blüthgen, N., Krasnov,
>> > B. R., Poulin,
>> > R., et al. (2007). Species abundance and asymmetric
>> > interaction strength in
>> > ecological networks. Oikos, 116, 1120-1127.
>> >
>> > On 06/01/2010 23:57, Etienne
>> > Laliberté wrote:
>> > > Many thanks Carsten and Peter for your suggestions.
>> > >
>> >
>> > > commsimulator indeed respects the two contraints I'm interested in, but>
>> > > only allows for binary data.
>> > >
>> > > swap.web is *almost* what I need, but
>> > only overall matrix fill is kept
>> > > constant, whereas I want zeros to move
>> > only between rows, not between
>> > > both columns and rows. In others words, if
>> > the initial data matrix had
>> > > three zeros for row 1, permuted matrices
>> > should also have three zeros
>> > > for that row.
>> > >
>> > > I do not doubt that
>> > Peter's suggestions are good, but I'm afraid they
>> > > seem a bit overly
>> > complicated for my particular problem. All I'm after
>> > > is to create n
>> > randomly-assembled matrices from an observed species
>> > > abundance matrix to
>> > compare the observed functional diversity of the
>> > > sampling sites to a null
>> > expectation. To be conservative, this requires
>> > > that I hold species
>> > richness constant at each site, and keep row and
>> > > column marginals fixed.
>> >
>> > >
>> > > Could swap.web or permatswap(..., method = "quasiswap") be easily
>> > >
>> > tweaked to accomodate this? The only difference really is that matrix
>> > > fill
>> > should be kept constant *but also* be constrained within rows.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks
>> > again for your help.
>> > >
>> > > Etienne
>> > >
>> > > Le 7 janvier 2010 08:17, Peter
>> > Solymos <> a écrit :
>> > >
>> > > > Dear Etienne,
>> > > >
>> > >
>> > > You can try the Chris Hennig's prablus package which have a parametric
>> > > >
>> > bootstrap based null-model where clumpedness of occurrences or
>> > > >
>> > abundances (this might allow continuous data, too) is estimated from
>> > > > the
>> > site-species matrix and used in the null-model generation. But
>> > > > here, the
>> > sum of the matrix will vary randomly.
>> > > >
>> > > > But if you have
>> > environmental covariates, you might try something more
>> > > > parametric. For
>> > example the simulate.rda or simulate.cca functions in
>> > > > the vegan package,
>> > or fit multivariate LM for nested models (i.e.
>> > > > intercept only, and with
>> > other covariates) and compare AIC's, or use
>> > > > the simulate.lm to get
>> > random numbers based on the fitted model. This
>> > > > way you can base you
>> > desired statistic on the simulated data sets, and
>> > > > you know explicitly
>> > what is the model (plus it is good for continuous
>> > > > data that you have).
>> > By using the null-model approach, you implicitly
>> > > > have a model by
>> > defining constraints for the permutations, and
>> > > > p-values are
>> > probabilities of the data given the constraints (null
>> > > > hypothesis), and
>> > not probability of the null hypothesis given the data
>> > > > (what people
>> > usually really want).
>> > > >
>> > > > Cheers,
>> > > >
>> > > > Peter
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > Péter Sólymos
>> > > > Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
>> > > > Department
>> > of Biological Sciences
>> > > > CW 405, Biological Sciences Bldg
>> > > > University
>> > of Alberta
>> > > > Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E9, Canada
>> > > > Phone:
>> > 780.492.8534
>> > > > Fax: 780.492.7635
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > On Wed, Jan 6,
>> > 2010 at 2:18 AM, Carsten Dormann <> wrote:
>> > > >
>> >
>> > > > > Hi Etienne,
>> > > > >
>> > > > > the double constraint is observed by two
>> > functions:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > swap.web in package bipartite
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > and
>> > > > >
>> > > > > commsimulator in vegan (at least in the r-forge
>> > version)
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Both build on the r2dtable approach, i.e. you have,
>> > as you propose, to turn
>> > > > > the low values into higher-value integers.
>> > >
>> > > >
>> > > > > The algorithm is described in the help to swap.web.
>> > > > >
>> > >
>> > > >
>> > > > > HTH,
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Carsten
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > On 06/01/2010 08:55, Etienne Laliberté wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > > > Let's say I have measured plant biomass for a total of 5
>> > species from 3
>> > > > > > sites (i.e. plots), such that I end with the
>> > following data matrix
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > mat<- matrix(c(0.35, 0.12, 0.61, 0,
>> > 0, 0.28, 0, 0.42, 0.31, 0.19, 0.82,
>> > > > > > 0, 0, 0, 0.25), 3, 5, byrow =
>> > T)
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > dimnames(mat)<- list(c("site1", "site2", "site3"),
>> > c("sp1", "sp2",
>> > > > > > "sp3", "sp4", "sp5"))
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > Data is
>> > therefore continuous. I want to generate n random community
>> > > > > > matrices
>> > which both respect the following constraints:
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > 1) row and
>> > column totals are kept constant, such that "productivity" of
>> > > > > > each
>> > site is maintained, and that rare species at a "regional" level
>> > > > > > stay
>> > rare (and vice-versa).
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > 2) number of species in each plot
>> > is kept constant, i.e. each row
>> > > > > > maintains the same number of zeros,
>> > though these zeros should not stay
>> > > > > > fixed.
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > To
>> > deal with continuous data, my initial idea was to transform the
>> > > > > >
>> > continuous data in mat to integer data by
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > mat2<-
>> > floor(mat * 100 / min(mat[mat>  0]) )
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > where multiplying
>> > by 100 is only used to reduce the effect of rounding
>> > > > > > to nearest
>> > integer (a bit arbitrary). In a way, shuffling mat could now
>> > > > > > be seen
>> > as re-allocating "units of biomass" randomly to plots. However,
>> > > > > >
>> > doing so results in a matrix with large number of "individuals" to
>> > > > > >
>> > reshuffle, which can slow things down quite a bit. But this is only part
>> > > >
>> > > > of the problem.
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > My main problem has been to find an
>> > algorithm that can actually respect
>> > > > > > constraints 1 and 2. Despite
>> > trying various R functions (r2dtable,
>> > > > > > permatfull, etc), I have not
>> > yet been able to find one that can do
>> > > > > > this.
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > I've had some kind help from Peter Solymos who suggested that I try the
>> > > >
>> > > > aylmer package, and it's *almost* what I need, but the problem is that
>> > >
>> > > > > their algorithm does not allow for the zeros to move within the
>> > matrix;
>> > > > > > they stay fixed. I want the number of zeros to stay constant
>> > within each
>> > > > > > row, but I want them to move freely betweem columns.
>> > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > > > Any help would be very much appreciated.
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > Thanks
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > --
>> > > > > Dr. Carsten
>> > F. Dormann
>> > > > > Department of Computational Landscape Ecology
>> > > > >
>> > Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ
>> > > > > Permoserstr. 15
>> > > >
>> > > 04318 Leipzig
>> > > > > Germany
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Tel: ++49(0)341 2351946
>> > > >
>> > > Fax: ++49(0)341 2351939
>> > > > > Email:
>> > > > >
>> > internet:
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > > > > R-sig-ecology mailing
>> > list
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Dr. Carsten F. Dormann
>> > Department of
>> > Computational Landscape Ecology
>> > Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
>> > Research-UFZ
>> > Permoserstr. 15
>> > 04318 Leipzig
>> > Germany
>> >
>> > Tel: ++49(0)341
>> > 2351946
>> > Fax: ++49(0)341 2351939
>> > Email:
>> > internet:
>> >
> --
> Etienne Laliberté
> ================================
> School of Forestry
> University of Canterbury
> Private Bag 4800
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