On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 15:44 -0400, Tyler Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> Why does vegan not plot species as arrows in plot? I know how to use
> scores() and arrows() to create my own arrows, but it seems odd that
> this feature is not built in. Is there ever a situation where species
> *should* be plotted as points rather than arrows?
> I checked ?plot.cca, vegan-decision, and google, but I didn't find
> anything, (excepting the possibility of using biplot.rda, but only for
> unconstrained analyses).

I don't know, but it might having something to do with Jari's aversion
to using linear methods for species data ;-)

More seriously, perhaps this hasn't/didn't occur to the developers,
despite being the author of biplot.rda() I never got round to doing a
triplot() generic and method...

If you would care to offer some code it would be appreciated, otherwise
I might get to take a look later in May.


> Thanks,
> Tyler
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