Hello everyone

I'm afraid this is probably a very dumb question, but I have ended up totally 
stumped in trying to do this. I have a mixed model fitted to some data using 
lme, including a fixed effect that is an interaction term between a factor 
(maternal treatment) with two levels and a continuous variable (weight). I'd 
like to plot a graph showing the two fitted lines plus their confidence 
intervals. How do I get the confidence intervals? I can get the standard error 
of the difference between the two slopes from summary(model), but that's not 
what I want. I can get the confidence intervals for the difference between the 
slopes with intervals(model) but again that is for the difference between the 
slopes. I tried using predict(model,…,int="c") but the int="c" call doesn't 
seem to work with an lme object. Any suggestions gratefully received.

Rob K
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