
Standardizing might not be the best way to go if you have low counts.
You can possibly assume that events follow a homogeneous Poisson
process and rate varies with night length (linear or quadratic) [Y|x ~
Poisson(phi); log(phi)=f(x)]. You can estimate corresponding
coefficients by glm(). I think controlling for night length
differences work even if you throw in other covariates as additive
effects on the log scale.

You can get sunrise /sunset times from maptools::sunriset, be careful
with timezones though.



Péter Sólymos, Dept Biol Sci, Univ Alberta, T6G 2E9, Canada AB, Ph 780.492.8534,
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute,
Boreal Avian Modelling Project,

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Bruce Miller <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Posting this query again as no one replied.
> I need to create a way to standardize bat sampling data in northern
> latitudes not only by the Activity Index standardized by sample time
> (unit effort) but by the constantly changing night length.
> This was easy in the tropics with a straight forward application of my
> Acoustic Activity Index (AI) [Miller, B. W. 2001. A method for
> determining relative activity of free flying bats using a new activity
> index for acoustic monitoring. Acta Chiropterologica. 3: 93-105].
> This uses the occurrence of each species by 1-minute time blocks and is
> then standardized by "Unit Effort"  which is the total sample time each
> night in hours. With a night length that was fairly standard with only a
> small ą of 1 hr or so for seasonal variation and very small
> night-to-night change this seem OK.
> However looking at data from here in the northern latitudes,I need
> something else in addition.   The night length not only changes rapidly
> night-to-night during the summer, but has a very wide ą.  So using only
> AI -occurrences per each 1-minute time interval standardized by sampling
> time previously used in the tropics may not reflect a realistic
> comparison measure up here in the north.
> So my question is how to incorporate the length of each night into the
> AI standardized by sample time?
> How best to integrate the night length since that is one of the key
> factors constraining bat activity?
> */R/* seems awesome for running repetitive calculations once one has the
> code line script.  So I am trying to see how to develop such a new
> standardized /R/ code for two data sets, one a DF with the simple AI
> values that have already been standardized by unit effort and another
> that includes the ever changing sunset-sunrise data.
> For working out GGplot temporal activity plots by minute for each night
> it took bit of hand holding by Hadley as R does not (or at lead did not)
> "do time well".  Not sure what can be done with standardizing the data
> with changing night lengths form one night to the.   The crossover
> midnight may not be an issue for this calculation since we just need a
> total night length in decimal hours.
> Moon phase and % illumination is yet another issue, but not relevant at
> the moment.:-)
> Any and all suggestions welcome and the bats will depend on it.
> Bruce
> --
> Bruce W. Miller, Ph.D.
> Conservation Ecologist
> Neotropical Bat Projects
> office details
> 11384 Alpine Road
> Stanwood, Mi. 49346
> Phone (231) 679-6059
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