The distance to centroid for a site isn't a measure of that site's alpha
diversity. It is a reflection (an approximation) of the compositional
similarity of the sample to the other samples; distances between sites
reflect compositional dissimilarity.

The value you want are in the `$distances` component of the object
returned by `betadisper`.

I should add those as one of the options that `scores.betadisper`
extracts for you.

But I'm not convinced from what you write in your email that this
comparison is warranted nor that it will be fruitful nor enlightening.



On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 22:17 +0000, Mitchell, Kendra wrote:
> I've run betadisp on a set of communities and would now like to
> compare the distance for each sample from it's centroid to other
> measures such as alpha diversity.  Basically I want to check that
> increased dispersion isn't simply a reflection of overall diversity.
> It seems like I should be able to pull that out of the disp object but
> I haven't figured out how.  thanks
> Kendra
> --
> Kendra Maas Mitchell, Ph.D.
> Post Doctoral Research Fellow
> University of British Columbia
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