Dear all,

I am using the biwavelet package to run time series analysis, but I am trying to calculate a 'robust' version of the 95% CI using simulated distribution which I generate under special (non-linear) conditions. Stated differently, the standard 'white' and 'red' noise spectra normally used to calculate CIs in wavelet analysis are not appropriate for my data, but I have a separate simulation process that generates a distribution that is an appropriate null model.

So, I have a vector of observed (M) and simulated data (Si). I can easily perform the wavelet transform on M and extract the power matrix (Mp); similarly, it's also easy enough to iterate through Si and generate a distribution of power matrices for Mp. But is this the right approach? My question is, what is the best approach for calculating and plotting the wavelet CI using my simulated distribution, rather than the red or white noise spectrum?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Sean S. Downey
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Maryland
1111 Woods Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Office: 301-405-1427
Email: <>

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