Hello every one, I have a problem with the function kerneloverlap in
I´m working in spatial ecology about Bonelli´s eagle with GPS data, I will
calculate the degree of overlap in the same individual beetwen years.
For that I want to use kerneloverlap from adehabitatHR package.

First I create a dataframe with SpatialPointDataFrame

        coordinates buena.ano
1 (717551, 4681540)      2007
2 (717620, 4681540)      2007
3 (716803, 4681270)      2007
4 (716803, 4681270)      2007
5 (717563, 4678210)      2008
6 (717205, 4679400)      2008
Coordinate Reference System (CRS) arguments: NA

Second Use this data frame in funcion kerneloverlap

> uno <- kerneloverlap(prueba, method =  "UDOI"
, percent = 95, conditional = TRUE)

        2007     2008     2009     2010     2011
2007 2.205176 1.277825 1.699809 1.850343 1.695589
2008 1.277825 2.025550 1.650467 1.630433 1.244362
2009 1.699809 1.650467 2.237205 1.901793 1.612252
2010 1.850343 1.630433 1.901793 2.532441 1.650993
2011 1.695589 1.244362 1.612252 1.650993 2.051450

Here, there is my first problem, the index are more than 1in all case (
This will be interpretate like a nonuniformily distributes and have a high
degree of overlap) but it is different between year also.

I try to change de grid but is not enought.

After when I change de isoplenth for example level = 50, the index is

dos <- kerneloverlap(prueba, method =  "UDOI"
, percent = 50, conditional = TRUE)
> dos
          2007      2008      2009      2010      2011
2007 0.2616757 0.1693210 0.1964589 0.2143231 0.2015972
2008 0.1693210 0.2744389 0.2153117 0.2390093 0.1757627
2009 0.1964589 0.2153117 0.2679013 0.2500824 0.2213787
2010 0.2143231 0.2390093 0.2500824 0.3052120 0.2208950
2011 0.2015972 0.1757627 0.2213787 0.2208950 0.2872298

and the same happen if I change the method, for example "VI"

In adittion, I delate the outliers from the date frame but is not enough.

Someone know why it happening??  Will be better calculate the UD before and
after use them in kernerloverlaphr function?

Thank you for everything.

Best Regards

*Beatriz Martínez Miranzo*

Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física
Facultad de Biología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
E-28040 Madrid, Spain

Tel.: +34 91 394 51 38
Fax: +34 91 394 49 47

email: bmarti...@ucm.es

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