Dear R-sig-ecology,

I have spent some time trawling the internet, and seem to come across slight 
conflicting advice regarding the standardisation and transformation of 
variables prior to multiple regression analysis (e.g. LM, LME/GLS, GLM, GLMM, 
GAM, GAMM).  I searched the archives here and I don't think this is a repeat, 
but I apologise if it is.

1.       I understand that standardisation (subtract mean and divide by 
standard deviation) is important within a Bayesian environment and when using 
programs such as Rjags.  However within frequentist packages (e.g. lme4, MASS 
etc) under what (if any) circumstances is it necessary?

2.       Are transformations (e.g. log, sqrt etc) necessary for non-normal 
(highly skewed) explanatory variables or where extreme/outliers are observed.  
Some literature says this is necessary, other say it is not.  Is the current 
consensus that transformations are generally not required on 
predictor/explanatory variables?

Thank you


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